“There is a kind of flame in Crete, let us call it ‘soul’—something more powerful than life and death. There is pride, obstinacy, valor, and together with these something inexpressible and imponderable, something that makes you rejoice that you are a human being, and at the same time tremble.”

— Nikos Kazantzakis, Report to El Greco

Meet Your Chapter Officers



  • President: George N. Panos

  • Vice-President: Manoli Koutantos

  • Recording Secretary: Diane Kounalakis

  • Corresponding Secretary: Kathy Roque-Albert

  • Treasurer: Dorris Koutantos

Board of Directors:

Christos Daskalakis, Nick Delis, Jr., Voula Fanourgiakis, Kathy Flocas, Kim Panos, Mike Sarikakis

KPHTH/SF (CRETAN YOUTH)—Nick Flocas and Maria Sooklaris, Co-Presidents